PAT - DJ for TraxxFM
MAG - DJ for TraxxFM
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What the fans say our Forum What the DJ's have to say Lyrics to various songs that the fans like The topic of food is ever present during the show The show has a wide range of fans and some are featured here Some fun stuff from the show and a few other entertaining items
Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
by Ivy


  • 1 fresh pineapple
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 2 cups cooled cooked rice (best using overnight cooked rice)
  • dried prawns
  • cooked chicken breast
  • fresh prawn
  • 1 fried egg
  • onions


  1. Sliced pineapple vertically in half. Hollow out each half, removing the pineapple meat.
  2. In a Wok, add oil and stir fry rice, add in dried and fresh prawns, frying for another few minutes
  3. Add onion, eggs, chicken breast and chopped pineapples.
  4. Serve in the hollowed cut pineapple boat. Seasoned with salt and pepper (optional)
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